How Will You Get From Marketing to Sales?

You're turning heads with a dynamite brand, thought-provoking content marketing, and a far reaching digital presence. How do you get leads to pick up the phone? Don't let them slip away for lack of a leads management tool and process that seamlessly connects your marketing to sales.

Amp Up Your Sales Appeal

You're turning heads with a dynamite brand, thought-provoking content marketing, and a far reaching digital presence.

Now it’s time to get people on the line. How do you get leads to pick up the phone? Don’t let them slip away for lack of a leads management tool and process that seamlessly connects your marketing to sales.

You've Got to Work for It: Great Leads Don’t Come Easy

Nothing worthwhile ever came easy, and there's a little push and pull in every relationship. Will she, won't she? He loves me, he loves me not. Well, let's find out.

You've been cranking out content, building a brand, and generally showing off what you've got to offe, Now you've got to do more than get attention. You've got to pull them in, get a reaction, get information, get engagement, and get selling.

Ask for their number, and let them know just how interested you really are. Show them how much they mean to you, and give people a reason to get in touch. Nurture your leads into long term customer relationships.

Leads Management Turns Eyeballs to Phone Calls

Marketing is out there getting eyes on your brand. Sales is out there chatting up the customers they hope to bring home. Lead management is about connecting your marketing efforts to your sales efforts, so you can land that first date.

If marketing and sales talking on two different lines, it's going to be tough to turn buzz to money. Lead management opens the lines of communication between them. It starts with three fundamental steps: lead generation, qualification, and nurturing.

Lead Generation: Give Them Something to Talk About

Whether you offer a white paper in exchange for email addresses, special offers for responding to a survey, or incentives for referring you to friends, you've got to give to get. Find the right lead generation strategies for your business.

Lead Qualification: Dinner at 8:00 or Coffee at Noon?

You've only got one Friday night a week. Make sure the best gal is getting your prime time. Some leads are daytime coffee date leads, and some you simply don't want to call at all. How do you know who's worth picking up the phone? Smart leads qualification systems that work with your marketing and sales strategies will get you the answer.

Lead Nurturing: Make Them Each Feel Special

Sure, you got their numbers, but quality leads are just the start. To truly nurture leads, and make each one feel special, you'll need the right tools, and a plan.

Call Switchboard Interactive today to get your marketing and sales tools and systems in the same conversation.